Integrating Framework

The NE-RESM is a framework that integrates four main components:

  1. Regional Biogeophysical Systems
  2. The NE-RESM integrates numerical models that represent the dynamic processes of the region's atmosphere, waters and land ecosystems and how they interact with our infrastructure and energy systems.

  3. Impacts Assessment
  4. The Regional Biogeophysical Systems models generate detailed, quantitative data on the physical processes of the regional earth system. The impacts assessment models translate these datasets into the information on regional ecosystem services and the economy that is needed to support decision making.

  5. Policy Engagement
  6. Partnership with regional stakeholders and policymakers is a critically important component of the NE-RESM. In addition to publishing our data in peer-reviewed journal articles, we have partnered with regional stakeholders in order to provide our results in the formats needed to inform their decision-making. Regional stakeholders are also playing a critical role in developing future (2014-2100) storylines for the region that we will investigate through our modeling experiments. Join our Stakeholder Partners list to participate in this process.

  7. Scenario Development
  8. We combine the storylines of regional management decisions with different pathways of global climate change to create NE-RESM scenarios. For each scenario experiment, specialized, high-resolution input datasets must be developed to drive the NE-RESM component models.
With each 'loop' through the NE-RESM framework of models, planners will be able to test alternative, realistic scenarios of future policies and assess their potential impacts.